15 novembro 2020

2021 F.I.C.B. General Assembly


The statutes of the F.I.C.B. require the physical presence of the members at the general assembly, with the possibility for those absent to give a proxy to a member present. They therefore do not allow the organization of a general assembly at a distance. In the context of the global pandemic, the F.I.C.B. Board of Administration has decided to maintain the date of the General Assembly decided last year, considering the decisions to be taken, but to organize a remote meeting of the Board of Administration on January 21st to prepare the resolutions on the statutory points. In accordance with our articles of association,  the ordinary general assembly of our Federation will take place:

Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.

at the Maison des Associations of the Paris 16th district

14, avenue René Boylesve 75016 Paris

(100m from the Wine Museum of Paris)

click here for the notice for the 2021 GA

click here for the 2021 GA agenda

click here for the draft minutes of the 2020 GA

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A Academia Madeirense das Carnes - Confraria Gastronómica da Madeira é uma associação sem fins lucrativos, que promove e defende a Gastronomia Regional Madeirense e todo o seu partimónio cultura.

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