CEM - Statutes




The association is designated C.E.M. - Confraria Enogastronómica da Madeira, which shall follow the present statutes and further applicable legislation.

Article 2
  1) The confraternity has its headquarters on Rua do Mercado, Estreito Câmara Lobos, Câmara de Lobos, and its area of action is of regional scope.
 2) The confraternity can change its headquarters to another place of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, by deliberation of the General Assembly.
 3) The confraternity may have representatives in the several municipalities of the national territory or abroad, with the designation of ambassador confrere.
4) The Confraternity’s tax registration number is 511158912.

Article 3
1) The confraternity is a juridical person of private right, without profitable ends, and its mission is to defend, preserve, promote, disseminate, honor and reinforce the reputation of the bacchic and gastronomic culture of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, including its ways and customs, its traditions and the techniques and technologies inherent to its production, namely: 
a) Gastronomic products and all the flavors and traditions which are associated to it;  
b) Secular gastronomy with tradition in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, including desserts and all the associated knowledge and flavors;
c) Wines produced in the Autonomous Region of Madeira;
d) Regional artisanal products (sugar cane honey, bee honey, brandy/rum, liquors, among others); 
e) Regional agriculture, cattle breeding and fishing;
f) Production units (sugar cane devices, liquor producers, mills and similar).    
2) The confraternity shall act with full independence and political and religious impartiality.  
3) The confraternity represents its confreres, in the defense of their interests in the scope defined in the statutes before the official entities and other similar associations, at a regional, national and international level.
4) The confraternity is constituted by the grantors of the contract of constitution and by the further associates that shall come to be admitted in the terms of these statutes.

Article 4
For the fulfillment of its purposes, the confraternity has the following responsibilities:
a) To promote and work in order to make the Autonomous Region of Madeira a gastronomic and wine reference worldwide;
b) To promote, disseminate and defend the demarcation of references genuinely typically gastronomic and vinic in each municipality  of the Autonomous Region of Madeira;   
c) To promote a sane and fruitful collaboration with institutions, organisms, public and private services, both regional, national and foreign;
d) To organize get-togethers, meetings, parties, receptions, banquets, tastings, contests, conferences, fairs, cultural tours and other expressions of Madeira’s oenogastronomy and the reinforcement of the bonds between confreres;
e) To support the study and dissemination of projects about the bacchic and gastronomic culture of the Autonomous Region of Madeira;
f) To promote and support initiatives which lead to the Autonomous Region of Madeira’s catering industry managers’ awareness of the authenticity and characteristics of Madeira’s oenogastronomy;
g) To establish contacts with producers, farmers, fishermen, economic agents, public and private entities linked to the Autonomous Region of Madeira’s bacchic and gastronomic culture and its derivatives;
h) To foster the consumption of the oenogastronomic products of the Autonomous Region of Madeira;
i) To establish and maintain relations with the national and foreign associations with similar purposes and which it can associate with, or establish protocols and interchanges;   
j) To promote and implement the principle of good relations, solidarity, cordiality and union as characteristic behavior among people connected by the goals of their confraternity; 
k) To develop the activities and services which meet the scope of its object and contribute to the execution of its purposes. 

Article 5
The confraternity shall have five categories of confreres:
 a) Confrades Beneméritos (Distinguished Confreres): all those whose services rendered to the confraternity may be considered of true charity or dedication;
b) Confrades de Honra (Confreres of Honor): singular people who are not confreres and who render relevant services to the confraternity or to the causes of their social object;   
c) Confrades de Número (Confreres of Number): all those who manifest the desire to be admitted into the confraternity and are proposed to the Executive Board by a confrere in full use of their rights;
d) Confrades Embaixador (Ambassador Confrere): the confreres who by appointment of the Executive Board represent the confraternity with other confraternities, and
e) Confrades Amigos (Friends Confreres): are singular people belonging to other confraternities, who manifest the desire to be our confreres and may not be number confreres.

Article 6
1) The loss of the status of confrere only occurs by death, resignation request  or exclusion.   
2) The exclusion is due to:
a) Infringement of the present statutes or the internal regulations;
b) Poor attendance to the initiatives of the confraternity, for the period of one year;    
c) Lack of payment of their obligations, after being requested to do so in sixty days;    
d) Disobedience;
e) Reprehensible or scandalous behavior, and
f) Misconduct which is harmful to the confraternity or to the dignity of the confreres. 
3) The exclusion depends on the previous hearing of the person concerned and becomes effective by deliberation of the General Assembly.

Article 7
The duties of the confreres are:
a) To carry out the functions they were elected or chosen for, except if the excuse motive is concededly substantiated;
b) To strive for the defense of the confraternity and act in order to execute its statutory goals;
c) To comply with the entry fee, membership fees and other contributions, set by the General Assembly, even of exceptional nature for special ends, and
d) To observe what may be applied in the statutes, internal regulations and comply with the resolutions of the General Assembly.

Article 8
1) The enthronement of the confreres in the several categories shall be held every year in the Grande Capítulo (Grand Chapter) ceremony, and it gives the right to wear the appropriate costumes and insignias.
2) Before the enthronement the confreres shall be informed of the values inherent to such act.

Article 9
 1) The bodies of the confraternity are:
 a) The General Assembly;
 b) The Executive Board, and
 c) The Fiscal Council.
2) The positions shall be executed without remuneration and their mandate will be three years long.
3) The re-election of those with positions in the bodies of the confraternity is allowed up to three consecutive mandates.

Article 10
The responsibility and form of operation of the General Assembly, of the Executive Board and the Fiscal Council, are the approved in the legal provisions currently in force, namely in the articles one hundred and seventy to one hundred and eight four of the Civil Code and in the present statutes.    

Article 11
1) The General Assembly is constituted by all the number confreres in full use of their statutory rights.
2) The General Assembly is constituted by a president, a vice-president and a secretary.         
3) In the impediment or absence of one of its members, the choice of a replacement among the confreres present must follow.
4) The deliberations are taken by absolute majority of votes of the confreres present, being each confrere entitled to one vote.
5) The General Assembly shall meet, without fail, twice a year; until March 31 to assess and approve the annual report of the previous year, and another until November 30 for budget assessment and plan of activities for the following year. For the purpose of the election of the holder of a position in a body of the confraternity the General Assembly will meet until May 31, when needed.
6) The swearing of the confraternity bodies shall take place after the approval of the annual report of the prior year and after holding the following Grande Capítulo (Grand Chapter).   
7) The General Assembly shall be summoned by letter or electronic means with at least fifteen days’ notice; it is deemed to be legally assembled with the presence of at least half of the confreres in full enjoyment of their rights; if at the indicated time there is no quorum, the General Assembly will be considered legally constituted thirty minutes later with any number of confreres.     
8) The General Assembly shall meet exceptionally on its president’s initiative, at request of the executive board or at the request of at least twenty percent of the confreres in full enjoyment of their rights.

Article 12
1) The Executive Board is composed of five members that shall use the following designations:
a) President, who will preside;
b) Vice-president, who shall replace the president;
c) Secretary;
d) Treasurer, and
e) Member of the Board.
2) It is the president’s function to foster the action of the confraternity, representing it in and out of court and in all official acts.
2.1) In their impediments and absences shall be replaced by the vice-president, with equal powers and duties.
3) It is the responsibility of the Executive Board to guide, direct and execute the works and action inherent to the conduct of the confraternity within the scope of its powers, namely:  
a) To direct, manage, represent and protect the interests of the confraternity;  
b) To comply and ensure the compliance to the statutes and resolutions of the General Assembly;
c) To elaborate internal regulations and propose their adoption to the General Assembly;      
d) To admit the Confrades de Número e Amigos (Number and Friends Confreres), to appoint and exonerate the Confrades Embaixadores (Ambassador Confreres) and propose to the General Assembly the appointment of the Confrades Beneméritos (Distinguished Confreres) and de Honra (Confreres of Honor);
e) To apply sanctions to the confreres and propose their exclusion;
f) To represent the confraternity in any deeds, contracts or acts;
g) To elaborate the annual report, the plan of activities and budget, to be submitted to the General Assembly, after assessment of the Fiscal Council.
h) To decide, under assessment of the Fiscal Council and General Assembly, about the filiation of the Confraternity in National or International Organisms.
4) To commit the confraternity, three signatures of the elements of the Executive Board are required; for acts of simple expedient two signatures are sufficient.

1) The Fiscal Council is constituted by three confreres, referred to as president, vice-president and rapporteur.
2) It is the Fiscal Council’s function:
a) To check the revenue and expenditure documents, the legality of the payments made and to carry out the verification of the revenue and expenditure balances;
b) To examine the accounting of the confraternity;
c) To verify the existence of stocks and control the patrimony of the confraternity;      
d) To give its views on consultations that may be presented by the Executive Board and take part in them, on matters within its competence, and
e) To give its views on the annual report to be presented to the General Assembly.      

1) The confraternity uses its own symbols.
2) The symbols of the confraternity are:
a) The badge;
b) The banner;
c) The costume, the cape, the hat, the tambuladeira (a piece with which the new members are toasted) and the scapular, and
d) The hymn.

1) The revenues of the confraternity are:
a)  The voluntary subscriptions, donations, legacies and subsidies;
b) The entry fee and membership fees of the confreres;
c) The money from events, parties, get-togethers and of other activities of the confraternity;  
d) The ones from the alienation or encumbrance of its patrimony;
e) Any others which have the approval of the General Assembly.
2) The sums of the entry fee, membership fees and other contributions of one-off or periodical nature shall be set by the General Assembly.

1) The present statutes come into force after the signing of the alteration deed.
2) To the doubts and omissions that its writing may raise, the internal regulations are applied, whose approval and change are of the responsibility of the General Assembly, as well as the applicable existing legislation.

1) In case of dissolution, which can only be approved with the favorable vote of three quarters of the number of all associates in full use of their statutory rights, a winding-up commission shall be constituted by five members authorized for the purpose.
2) The destination of the social patrimony shall be set in the same General Assembly meeting which shall decide upon the dissolution.


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