13 janeiro 2021

2021 - New Year, New Chapter


Dear Brothers and Friends,

New Year, New Chapter, we hope so! May it be with plenty of health, plenty of joy and may we finally can gather freely with each one of you.

Together we will keep our regions,  our traditions, our products, in short, our LIVES ALIVE!

We are confident that the new vaccine will enable us to meet safely next summer. In this sense, we will hold our Grand Chapter, which traditionally takes place in April, between 24 and 27 September 2021.

As always, you are all welcome.

Warm hug from Madeira, which awaits you with open arms.

Cordiais saudações,

Pela direção,

Escrito por

A Academia Madeirense das Carnes - Confraria Gastronómica da Madeira é uma associação sem fins lucrativos, que promove e defende a Gastronomia Regional Madeirense e todo o seu partimónio cultura.

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