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A Confraria Enogastronómica da Madeira rumou a uma das vilas mais típicas da Madeira, a Camacha, coração do folclore madeirense, para a realização do seu encontro cultural e enogastronómico de setembro de 2020.
O evento teve lugar na Quinta da Moscadinha, um espaço emblemático que recentemente foi adaptado e aberto ao público como unidade de turismo rural que futuramente irá contar com produção própria de sidra, fruto do pomar que estão a reabilitar.
"A Biqueira começou a andar de roda das panelas já em buzica. Aprendeu com a suas avós receitas do antigamente e hoje quer amostrar a amecês como a comida madeirense é gostosa, e como não é preciso muito para pôr um biqueiro "a lamber ui beiços".
Este encontro ficou marcado pela presença de Sandra Cardoso e Rui Dantas Rodrigues, os dois jovens que em pleno confinamento criaram "A Biqueira" - um projeto de divulgação on-line de memórias gastronómicas de familiares, com incidência na Camacha. Ao longo dos videos os visitantes são guiados pelas receitas, polvilhadas com curiosidades locais e finalizadas com um bom copo de vinho. Um projeto que vale a pena ver e rever para se aventurar nos tachos, faça uma visita em facebook.com/ABiqueira.
Com o convívio a decorrer a meia-serra, o confrades foram prendados com um cabrito assado a lenha, acompanhado da semilha regional, tendo uma maça assada para sobremesa. No copo estiveram presentes os vinhos de mesa madeirenses, Xavelha (tinto) e Palmeiras e Voltas (branco). Para encerrar foi degustado o licor familiar "Moscadinha", uma infusão de diversas ervas, especiarias, mel de cana sacarina, vinho madeira, entre outros...
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This site: Madeira Wine and Dine is dedicated to the wonderful island of Madeira, its wines, its wonderful cuisine and its welcoming people.
Madeira wines are amongst some of the world’s greatest and most unique wines. Madeira’s cuisine and dining scene is very vibrant, offering wonderful value for money by providing the freshest of fish (and other delights) that is made extra special by the superb service and the most wonderful of scenery of the island.
This web site Madeira Wine and Dine aims to inform you about the history of Madeira the island and the wonderful historic accident that led to the creation of one of the world’s unique and most enjoyable wines in the hope you will enjoy this most interesting of wines and visit one of the worlds most remarkable places.
The grape styles that go to give Madeira wine its unique flavour and taste – Sercial, Verdelho, Bual and Malmsey are explained and suggestions made as to which food best accompanies these wines . Other grapes including Terrantez and Tinta Negra are covered and a little information about the growing production of Madeiran table wines – Madeirense (DOC) and Terras Madierense is included. The role Madeiran wine casks play in maturing some of the finest Scotch, Welsh and Irish whiskies is noted.
The unique method of producing Madeira wine is explained (Canteiro and Estufagem)…the role of heating and maturation the wines in the gentle climate, the importance of age and how to read the label to appreciate and understand the styles and varieties of Madeira’s wines.
Advice is provided on tasting Madeira wine and which food best accompanies the differing styles of Madeira wine along with some paring to the Madeiran cuisine.
A short exposition is provided as to what typical Madeiran dishes are usually found at the many excellent restaurants all over the island.
The current producers of Madeira wines are listed with a little advice – try before you buy ….no visit to Madeira is complete without a visit to one of the producers tasting rooms where a warm welcome is assured.
The Madeira wine producers are Barbeito, Blandy’s (who also include Cossart and Gordon, Leacock’s and Miles), Borges, D’Oliveira, Faria, Henriques and Henriques and Justino’s and it is possible with some organisation and planning to visit them….indeed it is strongly advised.
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